Milos the island of colors | 10 things to do

According to Greek Mythology, Milos was the son of the Skamandros River who moved to the island after Aphrodite’s instructions. He was a handsome man for who three goddesses fell in love. Athina, Aphrodite and Hera. Paris was the guy who had to, let’s say decide after Zeus’ order, to who should Milos be given. Athina offered him wisdom, Hera power and Aphrodite the most beautiful woman in the world. Helene of Troy. He chose to give him in a form of a golden apple (milo=apple) to Aphrodite and the rest are described in Iliada 🐴🏺!

Milos was always a popular destination for the Greeks and was usually fully booked for the high season from April. In 2019 though, many celebrities and travel bloggers while they were looking for an alternative destination to Mykonos and Santorini, discovered Milos. The immediate result was “overnight” to become a top destination!

The Milos’ landscape is filled with rich volcanic minerals which make its cliffs white, pink and orange. Some moments you will not even believe your eyes see with the dreamy coastlines and the crystal clear turquoise waters.

Milos made it up to the top 10 list of the world’s best islands while it was voted as the best in Europe!! Many will say that is even more unique that its neighbor islands, Mykonos and Santorini. A further comment here from us would be that …more Greek islands are on the way to be “discovered”!

1. Relax at Fyriplaka beach

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Firiplaka beach is one of the easiest-to-access beaches in Milos. It has everything. From “organized spots” where you can rent an umbrella and sunbeds to free sandy areas where you can lay with your tower. Moreover, you can get some snacks from the beach bar and in general relax after having, probably a long trip coming to the island. That’s why is the perfect place to be on your first day on the island.

2. Enjoy the Sunset in Milos

The sunset in Milos is one of the most famous in Greece. Many will claim that it is as beautiful and magical as Santorini’s!

There are two ways to enjoy the wonderful view. The first is in one of the most popular coffee shops on the island “Utopia“. Be aware though that in order to get a table in the first line you should be there from 6 pm.

The second spot is in the picturesque yard of Panagia Korfiatissa Church. Grab something to drink and just enjoy!

3. The tour of the island

Visit dreamy beaches which are reachable only from sea!

What is absolutely necessary is to make a tour on a boat around Milos island since many of the best swimming spots are only accessible by sea. Fortunately, there are many options to choose from. Big boats, catamarans, private luxury (or not) small boats and all of them go to the same places 😁 !

If you love sailing like us you may want to choose a catamaran as we did. Well, the experience was amazing, the skipper and the personnel were super but unfortunately, there are not that strong winds so the chances to travel with Aelus’ (god of the winds according to the ancient mythology) help are a little bit limited. We didn’t regret though!

During the tour you will visit Kleftiko, an old pirates’ hideout, Gerakas, Blue Lagoon, Sykia Cave and some of the excursions visit Sarakiniko as well.

A boat in the water
Kleftiko beach! I think the pirates had a really good time!
A person sitting on a boat drinking from a can
If you are not convinced yet just to let you know that you can drink as many drinks (yes beers also) as you want!

4. Klima and Mandrakia

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Klima in Milos!

The Klima and Mandrakia are the perfect examples of locations with people who have taste and love what they do for a living. Both of those communities with the colorful small buildings were built in the past by fishermen. The ground level was used in order to store their fish boats during the winter time and the 1st level is where they used to live.

Today almost all the houses are available for renting via Booking and Airbnb!

What would it be better than wine on your balcony and the sea just in front of your legs? Klima hotels here

It is worth visiting both of the places. In Mandrakia you can find the known for its octopus Medousa restaurant where Tom Hanks himself and the king of the Netherlands are customers while in Klima you can have wonderful seafood in Astakas restaurant. Especially in Medousa there will be a small queue line so a perfect plan would be to pass from the restaurant in the morning, make a reservation and come back for a lunch. Anyway, the distances on the island are super short.

Just beautiful and peaceful
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Sun-dried octopus! The best octopus recipe!
A group of buildings next to a body of water
Klima from above!

5. Tsigarado Beach

The Tsigarado beach is just one minute from Firiplaka. In order to reach the unreal waters you will have to use two ladders. Especially the second one may look to you a little bit scary but with the help of a rope (!!), it is not that difficult!

In case you do not want to risk it you can just rent a kanoe from Firiplaka and row until Tsigarado beach something that will be also a very nice experience!

6. The Catacombs

After visiting Naples’, the catacombs became a thing for us. The Milos catacombs are one of the three most important catacombs in the world and there is a possibility that they are older than Rome’s. One thing sure is that Milos Catacombs is the most important Early-Christian Monument in Greece. They are dated back to the 1st-century a.c. and only a small part of them have been excavated.

The fare was just 4€ per adult at the time we visited the site (2022) and the visit was taking place by groups with the attendance of site personnel.

7. Ancient theatre

On a 15 minutes walk from the capital Plaka you will discover the heart of the ancient Milos. The place where the Aphrodite of Milos (Venus de Milo) was discovered and now is in the Louvre museum, the restructured ancient theatre, and of course the paleochristian catacombs.

8. Get lost in Plaka

White, blue and smooth corners. The beauty of simplicity

There is a misconception that only Mykonos and Santorini have beautiful capitals with white houses and great Aegean architecture. Well, islands like Milos, Paros, and many more have nothing to be jealous of. Here the white color is the king but small details in blue and sometimes orange sends the aesthetic to a different level. Moreover, you can enjoy the city during the day without any tourist traffic since everyone is on the island’s beautiful beaches.

You will want to photoshoot every single corner!
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Walking in the narrow streets. Bag made in Greece – Sapfo Leathergoods

You will also notice that Plaka city plan is a maze and there is a good reason for this. The city was planned in this way centuries ago so the pirates that were attacking the island to lose their orientation in the island’s confusing narrow streets and give a chance to the locals to defend their houses.

Our dream house in Milos

9. Papafragas

Papafragas is located next to the ruins of a pre-historic city, Phylakopi. It is actually more of a large cave carved out of the rock. A small side path leads right down the cave wall to a small strip of sand. The turquoise and crystal clear waters definitely look very tempting here.

Even if the access is really challenging and it is officially forbidden to approach you will find numerous visitors trying to reach the beach which will payout the 10-15 visitors that can accommodate.

10. Sarakiniko Beach

We left the island’s most famous beach for the end! The most known highlight of Milos island is of course the Sarakiniko beach. The moonlike landscape just next to the sea, the magical blue of the sea and the multiple caves make this beach unique!

We will advise you to visit at least twice the Sarakiniko beach. Once at sunrise and once during the day. Getting up early for the sunrise definitely worth it. You will face a beautiful spectacle with incredible colors and only a handful of people.

During the day the visitors are significantly more and most probably you will find a place to sit on the surrounding rock formations. The bravest of you can jump from cliffs that are up to 10 meters high and swim under the rock formations!

A friendly piece of advice would be to bring with you food and suncream! Sarakiniko beach is not the most beautiful beach to spend the entire day but is for sure a unique place to visit!

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